Marie Höcker

What I offer at ŌHIA:

Human Design Reading (DE/EN)
Human Design is a personality assessment tool and also known as a spiritual science. It combines elements of old traditional systems like Astrology, I-Ching, Kaballah and the Hindu Chakra teaching with quantum physics, genetics and psychology. Altogether we get a complex system which shows the energy constitution of the individual. As it is so specific, it can give information about physical aspects like nutrition and environment, but also on a much deeper level like life purpose and decision making processes. With the knowledge of Human Design you realize your uniqueness and your potential. I will give you the words to describe your internal and external processes and therefore to understand yourself and others better. With this understanding, you will be able to accept yourself with all your characteristics and ultimately bring you to starting to love yourself. In a couple reading, you can then also understand the dynamics between yourself and the other and find the strategies for improving your relationship. Please book: 90 Min for Basic Reading 60 Min for Follow-on Reading 120 Min for Couple Reading
Birth Debrief / Healing Birth Trauma (DE/EN)
Too many women walk out of their birth feeling that something in their experience was not right, maybe just a bit “off” or truly traumatic. Birth is not supposed to be any of that and yet it has become almost “normal”. If you feel that something in your birth experience has not gone right, please don't feel alone. I am here to unpack this experience with you, look at what exactly went which direction at what point. In many women's experience it is a big part of their healing journey to truly understand the whole picture of their birth and to see that they did not do anything wrong. Healing a precious birth experience / trauma is essential for ongoing health in women for body, mind and soul. Whether you are wanting to bring another child into this world or not, bringing love back into our wombs as women makes a big difference.
Creating a holistic Birth Plan (DE/EN)
In today’s birth culture it has become necessary to be prepared for birth on all levels. Birth has the potential to be an epic, beautiful and transformative experience if we create the right circumstances. Women, more than ever, find that they need to be really clear in voicing and expressing their wishes, their yes’s and no’s, their choices for their body, their birth and their baby. In this Session we will create a birth plan A and a birth plan B, stating precisely what you agree to in which circumstances and what you don't agree to, so that during your birth it is all taken care of and you can focus on the most important thing: yourself and the birth of your baby.
ŌHIA Mother Blessing Ritual (DE/EN)
Centering mothers, celebrating mothers, holding mothers, nourishing mothers, loving on mothers - that is one of the most central elements in my work with women. Birth and pregnancy are a right of passage (no matter how many children you have), with each child a new mother is born. I wish for mothers to feel the magic, the miracle, the honour, the sacredness and the celebration of becoming a mother again. Entering into motherhood is transformative and big, so let's make that a true ceremony, a ritual, an initiation. You are the perfect mother for your baby and you deserve all the love that exists in this universe. A mother blessing can look very different and can be tailored to your individual wishes. It will always include ritual, blessings and sacred practices. This is a group session (5-10 participants recommended): 1-5 participants 500€; 6-10 participants 650€; 11-15 participants 800€. Please contact the studio directly to plan.
Womb Healing / Connecting to the Feminine (DE/EN)
Women experience a different day to day reality compared to the male body. The way we live is mostly designed in a linear/masculine way which creates huge imbalances for women and men and everything in between. Menstrual cycle issues, pms, infertility, sexual trauma, body dysmorphia, eating disorders - these topics (and many more) can be looked at through the lens of how we relate to the feminine inside us and the balance/imbalance of the feminine and masculine. This session will invite you to understand how you can come into a deeper form of embodiment and how the imbalance of feminine/masculine plays out in your life.

What to expect:
You can expect a safe and sacred space where you are encouraged to express yourself fully and feel understood. During Marie’s sessions, you will be guided through all emotions, receiving support as you navigate your personal journey. The experience includes a deep exploration of your femininity, allowing you to reconnect with your innate wisdom and strength as a woman. This approach is informed by Marie’s firsthand experience and extensive work with mothers before, during, and after birth. The sessions recognize the transformative nature of these life phases and incorporate this knowledge.

800 Hour Jivamukti Yoga Teacher, Body Temple Dance Teacher, Sound Meditation Training (Soneiro Collective), Sacred Birth Worker Mentorship & Doula (Sacred Birth International)

Life wisdom:

Favourite book:
Nāda Yoga by Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati, The Only Dance There Is by Ram Dass

About Marie:
Over the past ten years Marie has been on the path of deepening self-knowledge, inner wisdom and connection. After being deeply immersed into the yogic teachings and becoming a yoga teacher, she additionally turned toward more feminine practices like intuitive movement (Body Temple Dance), Sound healing (Soneiro Collective) and womb healing (Sacred Birth Worker Mentorship by Anna Lundqvist). She works with women intimately in women circles, as a birth doula and is passionate about the healing journey of the masculine and feminine. She holds space with devotion and dedication and firmly believes that when we remember the sacred way of the feminine, we can heal this earth.

“To me it is a deep and subtle knowing of a connection, a being. We all find different words for that. A moment in moment experience.


I don’t believe it is something we can do. Only to discover, uncover, be in touch with. And I bow to that from my whole heart.