Sarah Jegelka
What I teach at ŌHIA:
Group Hypnosis. I guide you through a gentle hypnosis in which you can learn how to connect to your inner wisdom, build trust and a safe place within yourself. From there you are open to create and receive.
Teaching Style:
Soft but profound. Gentle and transformational.
Heilpraktikerin, Certified Intuitive Healer & Hypnosis, Certified Kinesiologist, Ancestral Healing, Certified Yoga Teacher & Dancer
Life wisdom:
Listen. Be silent. Rest. Let go.
Favourite book:
Many. One of them is Botschaften des Seins by Mari Nil
About Sarah:
As a certified hypnosis therapist in combination with her clairvoyant abilities, Sarah brings a wealth of knowledge in energy medicine and human consciousness. She leads individuals through profound transformational journeys, enabling them to release old wounds, discard inherited patterns, and embrace wisdom and healing. With a gentle and natural approach, Sarah imparts modern spirituality insights, helping individuals tap into the power of their subconscious minds and connect with ancient wisdom.