Christoph Wischnewski
What I offer at ŌHIA:
Thai Yoga Massage (DE/EN)
In Thai Yoga Massage we aim to balance the energy system of the receiver. We work on specific lines with acupressure and stretches thus clearing out blockages and improving the energy flow. It is a holistic full body treatment. That being said, it is possible to put a focus on certain areas to address stiffness in the shoulders, lower back pain, hurting knees, etc.
The massage will be performed dressed (loose and comfortable clothes are recommended)
What to expect:
I try to do all my massages out of a still/meditative state as I have noticed that this is the most important factor in any treatment.
Continuous studies with different teachers/masters in Thailand as well as in Europe (since 2013)
Life wisdom:
Don’t blame others for your emotions.
Favourite book:
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse