Ezgi Lu

What I teach at ŌHIA:

Teaching style:
Creating a safe space to explore, accept and release the emotions and the Self. A space for growth and to open up to joy and the blessings within.

Dance Psychotherapy and Embodied Movement Teacher

Life wisdom:
Dedicated student of embodying the consciousness

Favourite Book:
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

“I believe the most profound learning to me is the ‘’Oneness’’. It fascinates me to actually realise that everything in the universe is made of the same materials. Which means we hold the same information and the knowledge the universe holds since the beginning of the ‘’time’’.

The human body is a portal to all the wisdom and as we work with the body mindfully, we unlock the information that created -ALL. When we move we find stillness , and in the stillness we find why we move.