Rika Götz

What I offer at ŌHIA:

Shiatsu Massage (DE/EN)
Shiatsu is a holistic Japanese pressure massage based on TCM. Modern Western science, philosophy and spirituality are combined with the goal of bringing body, mind and spirit into harmony. Shiatsu promotes the flow of life energy through the body, which flows through the meridians of our body. But it is so much more. It's not just about the treatment technique, but the art of touching the deepest core of your life and connecting with the essence of your being. With Shiatsu, it is possible to feel at home in your body. A Shiatsu treatment traditionally takes place in comfortable clothing on a futon. The session begins and ends with a brief conversation over a cup of tea.

What to expect:
I see myself as a Touch Artist who empathically explores the Human Body. Through Touch, Breathing and Movement, I support you in how to embody your Potential. I am here to hold a safe Space for sacred Transformation.  

Certified Shiatsu Therapist, Feng Shui, ThetaHealing®, in Pure Embodiment Breathwork Training

Life wisdom:
Touch me deep, pure and true. 

Favourite book:
There are many. Be what you are by Ramana Maharshi

“M y mystic in me loves to look deep into the dark night, to explore areas still unknown to me and to get to the bottom of the truth. So I consciously set out to find out why I am here. I travelled extensively throughout Asia, joined Buddhism, sought out teachers, read many spiritual books, listened to podcasts, attended ceremonies and seminars. A spiritual marathon. 

What if it’s not about knowing more, but remembering back? Everything is already within us. In seeking and finding, not missing the most important thing. The present life. Now I know why I am here. I am here to experience myself as a human being. To really live the present life. For me, being human is highly spiritual. Life itself is sacred. Our body is the key to experience that.